19 Members attended the Banbury Stamp Society AGM on 22nd May.
Votes of appreciation were extended to Gareth Williams who has served as Treasurer for a very long time and been a committed supporter of everything the Society does. Every member wishes him well as he plans his house move to Dorset. And also, to Peter Fernbank who will be standing down from the committee after decades of service although Peter will remain a committed member of the Society.
The AGM was followed by Members’ displays.
Bernard Price showed a selection of artefacts of tribal art including a scarf made from Madagascar spider silk, shadow puppets from Indonesia and a penis guard worn by the Dani Tribe!
David Hood had a World War II diary detailing experiences in South London in 1944 in the Home Guard with references to V1 rockets and doodlebugs.
Mat Shaer has a collection of watches. This began with a special “999” watch produced for the Superintendents Association which records his service in the Police. This initiated his interest and study of watches and their history.
Paul Prichard brought a Bank note from Banbury Old Bank.
Jonathan Durley collects stamp vending machines and he displayed examples including an early 1920’s machine. There were also various Post Office artefacts, such as postal scales, handstamps and badges.
Susan Johnston’s other hobby involved quilting, applique and embroidery and she showed various examples of her very impressive skilled work.
Netia Piercy had a silk map of Northern Europe issued to flight crew during World War II.
This was a varied and interesting evening which provided much entertainment and amusement at various points.
This evening concluded the 2023/24 season. The Club begins again in the Autumn and meets at Hanwell Fields Community Centre from September to May. Full details can be found on the Society website www.banburystampsociety.co.uk